Pocket Rocket

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36 Questions | 36 Answers
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Manufacturer Model Light/Laser
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The Pocket Rocket provides a safe carry for your pocket pistol. The leather backer is placed in your pocket, facing out, which creates a wallet-shaped print on your pants pocket, completely camouflaging the frame of your gun. Meant for small single-stack firearms the Pocket Rocket can be carried in your jacket, blue jeans, cargo pants, etc.

Two Week, Try it Free Guarantee & Life Time Warranty - As with all of our handcrafted holsters, CrossBreed stands behind the quality of each and every Pocket Rocket holster with our legendary lifetime warranty and try it free, two week guarantee. If your holster ever fails from normal use you can be rest assured that CrossBreed Holsters has your back!

This holster is great for firearms such as:

  • Colt Mustang
  • Kimber Micro
  • Ruger LCP
  • Sig Sauer P938
  • Sig Sauer P238
  • Smith & Wesson Bodyguard .380
  • Springfield 911
  • Taurus TCP

  • Reviews
  • Questions
  • Dec. 1, 2023

    J Jonathan E. Verified Buyer

    Best Pocket Hoster on the Market

    This is my favorite holster. My gun fits in really tight and secure. The leather is high quality. There's absolutely no printing so I can carry just about anywhere.

    Other Firearms

    22 Charger AR12 LCP 702 pkinkster

    Was this review helpful? 2 0
  • Aug. 17, 2023

    M Michael H. Verified Buyer

    I like it

    I like it so far it hides the profile just what I was looking for, although the Jesus overtones were a bit much.

    Was this review helpful? 7 19
  • Jan. 15, 2020

    M Maylon T. Verified Buyer

    LH Holster for LCP II

    I recently bought the Pocket Rocket in LH orientation (left pocket) for my LCP II. The holster is great, you can tell as soon as you first take it out of the package it is quality materials and construction. I wear slim fit pants so you can see the full size of the holster in my pocket, which isn’t tiny, but there is no printing of the gun whatsoever.

    Was this review helpful? 22 0
  • Oct. 28, 2019

    A Andrew C. Verified Buyer

    Left Handed Holster For Right Hand Draw

    I bought this for my Diamondback DB9-G4 and it fits great. I was looking for something that would be comfortable in my pocket that would protect the trigger. Printing wasn't my main concern, so I actually bought the left hand draw (me being right handed) to put in my right pocket. This allows the leather to be against my leg instead of the kydex/pistol and allows for a much easier draw, as you don't have to try and slide a couple fingers between the leather and the gun. It is very comfortable to carry in this way and keeps the trigger fully covered. It seems very durable, but time will tell. I have no complaints

    Was this review helpful? 29 1
  • Sept. 17, 2019

    D David N. Verified Buyer

    High quality and comfortable

    This is my 5th holster from Crossbreed. The quality is top notch. One note - if you're a lefty and plan on carrying this in your BACK pocket, make sure to order right-hand draw. I mistakenly ordered my standard LH which works well for front pocket :)

    Other Firearms

    Sig, KelTec, Steyr, S&W, HK, Springfield

    Was this review helpful? 20 6
  • Nov. 2, 2019

    H Hawk

    If I wanted to right hand draw from my front pocket and wanted the backer facing out, which draw should I select?

    • Store Owner

      If you want to right hand draw, from your right front pocket, with the backer facing outward then you will want to choose Right Hand draw.

      Was this answer helpful? 8 1
  • Nov. 7, 2021

    C Calvin


    Does the Ruger LCP II fit the LCP max?


    • Store Owner

      Just select whichever Ruger you have, and we will ship you correct holster.

      Was this answer helpful? 3 1
  • Dec. 2, 2024

    J John

    What is the diminutions of the Pocket Rocket and Cargo Pocket Rocket? I have found the Cargo Pocket Rocket can turn side ways in Duluth firehose cargo pants.

    • Store Owner

      The Pocket Rocket is 5 1/8" x 4" The Cargo Pocket Rocket is 6" x 5"

      Was this answer helpful? 2 1
  • Oct. 14, 2020

    M Mike P.

    With the pocket rocket holster, specifically the model for a Remington RM380 w/laser, will the holster come out with the pistol while drawing the pistol? Or does it stay put in the pocket when drawing the pistol? Is it an awkward kind of draw with the leather facing out and the actual holster facing in? Looks like a great design. Just wondering how functional it is.

    • Store Owner

      The leather backer against the material of your pocket generally keeps the holster in place while drawing. If the holster is much smaller than your pocket, you might look at the Cargo Pocket Rocket since it's a little larger. It does take a little practice to get used to drawing from a pocket, but with some time you should find it pretty easy. As with all of our holsters, you have a 2 Week Trial, so if you're not satisfied, you're welcome to send it back for an exchange or refund.

      Was this answer helpful? 6 1
  • Sept. 9, 2020

    M Mike b.

    Will you offer ruger lcp2 with laser

    • Store Owner

      Thank you for reaching out to us. Some firearm combination are too large for the Pocket Rocket leather backer. However, we might offer the Cargo Pocket Rocket. What laser do you have on your Ruger LCP2?

      Was this answer helpful? 3 1

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